Home » Orgeat Is Here To Revolutionize Your Cocktails

Orgeat Is Here To Revolutionize Your Cocktails


Elevate Your Mixology with Orgeat Syrup

The Great Advantage

Bored of simple syrup? Discover the magic of orgeat—an almond-based syrup that’s transforming cocktails worldwide. Learn why mixologists are turning to this syrup for its ability to add depth and flavor effortlessly.

The Almond Emulsion Process

Uncover the secret behind orgeat’s sweet nuttiness. Dive into the process of emulsifying blanched almonds and sugar in water, creating a syrup that brings a unique and enjoyable twist to your favorite drinks.

A Versatile Companion for Your Spirits

Beyond Rum: Orgeat’s Diverse Pairings

While a natural fit with rum, explore the adventurous side of this almond based syrup as mixologists experiment with whiskey, gin, vodka, and even low- or zero-ABV drinks. Learn how it’s viscosity enhances the mouthfeel of your cocktails.

Breaking Flavor Boundaries

Discover the versatility of orgeat as it transcends traditional pairings. Delve into the innovative combinations that go beyond the expected, unlocking new dimensions of flavor in your concoctions.

Crafting the Perfect Orgeat Syrup

Pronunciation Matters: It’s ‘awjheawt’

Master the pronunciation of orgeat to confidently discuss and share your newfound mixology secret.

DIY Orgeat Recipe

Step into the kitchen and learn how to make your own almond syrup. Follow a simple recipe involving blanched almonds, sugar, and a touch of orange flower water, ensuring a homemade treat that enhances your cocktail game.

Nut-Free Option: Toasted Rice Orgeat

For those with nut allergies, explore an alternative with toasted rice orgeat, offering a delightful twist without compromising on flavor.

Storing and Extending Shelf Life

Freshness Matters

Learn the ideal storage conditions for orgeat syrup to maintain its freshness and flavor. Discover the recommended shelf life and how to make the most of this delightful concoction.

Shelf Life Hack: Adding Vodka

Extend the lifespan of this syrup by incorporating a clever tip—adding a splash of vodka along with orange flower water.

In Action: From Bars to Home Cocktails

Essential for Every Bar

Explore why having orgeat on hand is a game-changer for commercial establishments and home bars alike. Uncover how it adds value and a delectable flavor, positioning you as an on-trend mixologist.

Swap and Savor: Orgeat’s Impact on Cocktails

Discover the difference in taste when you swap out traditional sugar syrup for this almond syrup. Immerse yourself in the richness and complexity that it brings to your favorite cocktails.

Sip and Enjoy the Nutty Elegance of Orgeat!